Sunday, February 05, 2006

A few birthday gift puchases

Last weekend was my birthday, and I got some gift cards for various stores, and tonight Dave and I went out and I used some of them.

One was from my mother, and it was for the Fossil store. I have been wanting a watch for the longest time, because the one I have sucks. I have to constantly change the battery, and the glass plate has some scratches on it, so it was time for a new one. I have been checking thr Fossil website recently to see what they have for stock, and I found a few that drew my attention. Once we get there, I soon saw they had so many more styles in the glass cases than I saw online, and one of the styles I liked a lot turned out to be so much cheaper in the store than online. Perfect! The online price was $85.00, and in the store it was $39.99! Holy crap! I had to get it, so I did. Here is a picture of exacly what I got. It's a me that is.

I also got a gift card to Circuit City from my kick-ass buddy Chris. Now with that type of store, electronics and all, the only things that I could really pick out would be a CD or a DVD. I don't really need anything else, but I knew I could definitely pick out a DVD! I ended up getting Will & Grace Season 4. I love that show so much, even though I have not watched it in ages. I already own Season 1 & 2, course I have not really watched every episode of both those DVD's yet, but I will at some point. Their humor on the show is so awesome! Anyways, this is the cover for what I picked up.

Oh yeah, Dave got a watch too from the Fossil store. He was so intrigued of the display of watches in the store, he said he had to get one too, even though we were only going in there for me! :o)

Blogger Antek: I totally love Fossil too, I have a Fossil store near my office in Manhattan and I'm there like every day. Totally sweet watch too.

Will and Grace is awesome too, does that season have Kevin Bacon guest staring as himself and Jack is stalking him... or the one where Matt Damon tries out for the gay chior? I love those 2 episodes., way hilarious. 11:05 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous: Nice watch!!! I am a watch fanatic, but have a tendency to just buy a new one when the battery dies instead of having the battery changed, lol.

Hope you had a happy birthday!! 12:49 PM