Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Now serving good coffee

I was online on one of the local news stations today to check the weather, because I was hearing about a light snowstorm that is heading in our direction late tonight. I usually watch the video content that they offer on their site, so I know exactly what is going on. In this video they show, it talks about a few important stories then they head to the weather portion.

Anyways, this small but interesting blurb they mentioned is letting everyone know that starting the end of this month, the very affordable airline JetBlue will now be offering Dunkin Donuts coffee on all their flights. How cool is that?!?! They want to bring brand-named labels to their airline, and I think that is a fantastic idea! This article also mentioned that after doing a recent survey, they said that they coffee they serve on airplanes pretty much sucks! I haven't tried airplane coffee yet, but I am sure it is as bad as they say. Now that this plan of attack is in action, I'm wondering what kind of coffee are they going to serve, whether just original, or flavored as well, and are they going to charge a lot more than you normally would walking into the coffee shop. Hmmmm....

Well anyways check out this link I found, and the video if you can play it. This is CBS4 in Boston, MA. Laters....

Blogger Antek: Very interesting.. now if we could only get them to serve Quiznos sandwiches I would be in heaven...ummm toasty 10:38 AM  

Blogger Silver: Hmmm, Tony, you might be onto something there.

The best part about this is that it's just a first step. What a great way to get your product's foot in the door by serving it aboard long flights. I bet a flight serving Quiznos subs isn't that far off the mark. 12:20 PM  

Blogger k o w: Ahh Dunkin Donuts coffee... Thats enough to make me buy a ticket with them before anyone else. 1:47 PM  

Blogger Mister Bones: That is nice, but it's gonna take more than that to get me on a plane. I'm skeered of 'em. 7:14 AM