It's official, I have lost 10 lbs
I have finally lost 10 lbs and I am very happy about it. My exact total is 10.5 so far. Yay! I have been struggling all week because for one, I did not work out the 3 days I am supposed to, I only did 2 because I was not feeling well the 3rd day. The other reason is I was slightly not eating right, but I managed to stay at the same weight, which I can't complain about. This morning I stepped on the scale right after I woke up and used the bathroom and I was 2 lbs less than I was yesterday and the whole week. It definitely put a smile on my face. Today is Day 1 one of my new workout week and I will make the most of it. I ate a healthy lunch which is good, but I hope I do ok with dinner. Dave and I are going to my friend's house tonight and she is making baked ziti. Yum! We are going to have to watch our portion sizes but I think we will be ok for the most part. Rock!
10 pounds good!
Cheesecake bad!
10:43 PM
Frontallobe: Nicely done! 9:18 AM