String Cheese = Yummy
I have not had string cheese in a long time, but after buying it this past weekend during me and Dave's weekly food shopping trip, I have to say it is one of my new favorite snacks now. I like it so much that I peel off the strings little by little just to make it last. Seems kind've lame but whatever. It is also healthy too which is great b/c it fits into my meal plan that I am curre, ntly on. I think the label said it is only 90 calories as a whole piece. Not too shabby! Man I wish I ate it a lot more when I was younger. Oh yeah, I have to say thanks to Jenni too for bringing up the idea of string cheese as a snack. Jenni is the one who mentioned the item to Dave and then he brought it to my attention, and now it is sitting in our refrigerator. Woo-hoo!
Jenni: Ah the wonders of String cheese! I actually ama CHEESE FANATIC, and I am VERY picky. In the regular store it is all gourmet/organic, unless it is Sargeanto cheese. I buy their Light String cheese... same great flavor, 50 CALROIES per Stick So, to stay under the 100 call snack limit... I can EAT TWO!!!! *smiles* *Jumps for Joy* I usually only eat one, but it's nice to know I can indulge a bit if I want to. Glad you are enjoying it! 10:39 PM
Silver: mmmm, good stuff! 10:46 PM
Melvin "eM" Arroyo: my daughter loves cheese. I like it from time to time, but love the string cheese melted on bagels, yum yum... 9:14 PM